Workforce Tools

  • The Maryland Apprenticeship Tax Credit provides a State income tax credit to Registered Apprenticeship Sponsors or participating employers (Employer) which hire an eligible Registered Apprentice(s). The Employer may qualify for a $1,000 tax credit for each eligible Registered Apprentice.

  • Information about registered apprenticeships from the Department of Labor. Find ways to hire or become an apprentice.

  • Learn more about Maryland State policy regarding Youth Apprenticeships. The state Department of Labor publishes yearly reports on Youth Apprenticeships and provides documents and information for employers or workers interested in the program.

  • EARN Maryland is a new state-funded, competitive workforce development grant program that is industry-led, regional in focus, and a proven strategy for helping businesses cultivate the skilled workforce they need to compete. It is flexible and innovative, designed to ensure that Maryland employers have the talent they need to compete and grow in an ever-changing 21st century economy.

  • The Maryland Workforce Association advocates for and promotes the public workforce system on a local, state, and national level. The advocacy includes building relationships with elected officials at all levels, outreach to businesses within the State, and building partnerships with other agencies and organizations to strengthen the system.

  • The Promise Scholarship creates opportunities for students to attend one of Maryland’s public community colleges by providing tuition assistance for any student eligible for in-state tuition. In 2018, the Promise Scholarship was opened to students enrolled in sequences of credit or noncredit programs that lead to licensure or certification, including Registered Apprenticeships.

  • Apply for financial aid from your state Senator or Delegate. Recent legislatio has opened up legislative scholarships for apprenticeship related instruction at community colleges.